Mimos and the NHS
Mimos Pillow is proud to be NHS Supply Chain approved (renewal pending), and our product is available to order via the NHS Supply Chain Catalogue.
Alternatively, orders can be placed either online or by completing the below enquiry form.
NHS Buyer? Create an account
If you are responsible for buying products for an NHS hospital, clinic or surgery (whether regularly or on a one-off basis), then we strongly recommend that you create an account with us.
By having an account, you can purchase products from us on an invoice basis, which means that you will receive an invoice within 30-days of your purchase.
Mimos Pillow Certifications
In order to become an official supplier to the NHS, the Mimos Pillow had to pass a number of strict criteria. As well as being approved to feature in the official NHS Supply Chain Catalogue, Mimos Pillow also boasts the following certifications:
LSAS Level-3 Compliance
The Labour Standards Assurance System (LSAS) is a system that provides a mandate for labour standards in the medical supply industry. The LSAS was developed by the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) Supply Chain alongside the Department of Health and other industry bodies.
The NHS Supply Chain introduced this system to ensure that their suppliers meet fair labour standards and have a compliance program in place to help suppliers manage labour standards within their supply chain.
As a Labour Standards Assurance System (LSAS) registered organisation, Halo Pillow Ltd (UK distributor of Mimos Pillows) is required to maintain a List of Approved Providers whose labour standards meet the established criteria.
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
Our ISO 9001 Certification assures that we have the requirements in place to meet the needs of our customers as well as meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to our products.