loved by thousands of happy babies, parents and healthcare prefessionals around the world

Frank Kelleher
As a Paediatric Osteopath I see quite a few babies with Plagiocephaly or Flat Head. While osteopathic treatment is of huge benefit for these babies, I found that the Mimos Pillow was the most significant additional intervention. I have been recommending this pillow for over a year now and I have seen the difference it can make in just a few weeks. For parents of a baby with a flat head, it is a product we recommend every day. We believe in it so much we have even mentioned it in our book, Cherished Baby and Child.

Dr G R Lawson
As an experienced paediatrician I regularly see children whose parents are concerned about plagiocephaly. The Mimos Pillow alleviates pressure on the skull and it is claimed that it improves skull shape more quickly than a baby without intervention. I look forward to further studies, but in the meantime would much prefer to recommend this product (less than £50) as opposed to the extremely expensive helmet which is available for over £2000 particularly as the NHS is at present unable to support the purchase of such items.
Consultant Paediatrician

Carly Aspden (BSc, MPT)
Mimos pillow is a nice easy light tool parent can take and adopt into their sleep routine and helps contribute to naturally rounding out the baby head as well as resolving the flat head as quickly as possible.
Physiotherapist & Clinic Director

Avni Trivedi
I highly recommend MIMOS pillow for use in a pram or cot to prevent and improve flattening on the delicate bones of the skull.

The Mimos pillow is well designed. It reduces the pressure on the back and sides of a baby’s head, and the shape of the pillow keeps the baby’s neck and neck nicely positioned. It is also made from a breathable material, comfortable for baby and reassuring for parents.
Consultant Paediatric Osteopath
Team Lead Fulham Osteopaths Baby Team

I like MIMOS pillow because :
1st it evenly distribute the pressure from baby’s skull, 2nd It is very light weight and 3rd I love the MIMOS because It is very breathable.Physiotherapist

Dr. Josep Maria i Costa
We have analysed a total of 15 pillows on the market and only the MIMOS® brand of pillow seems to us both effective and safe.
Head of Neurosurgery of Sant Joan de Dé u Hospital

Alex Bidlake-Corser
“We are the leading Plagio/Brachycephally manual therapy clinic in Herts. We have been recommending MIMOS products for quite some time! We use the Craniometer and bands to assess and measure plagiocephally and monitor improvement. We find the combo of the Craniometer and bands absolutely fantastic and easy to use.”

Joss Barratt, M. Ost
I completed my postgraduate in specialist paediatric osteopathic practice. I regularly see and treat babies with plagiocephally at my clinic in Reigate. I often recommend the addition of the pillow alongside treatment in order to achieve the best results. The craniometer is a great tool to measure progress objectively alongside treatment.

Victoria Large
We do infants osteopathy – a gentle treatment for babies with straight during pregnancy and delivery. Often we see baby with
Flat head syndrome and we recommend Mimos pillow as it complement to our therapy and baby can use It at home
Mid-West Osteopaths
Mother and Babies clinic

Dr Mandy Banton
Registered Osteopath with clinic based in Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. She uses a wide spectrum of osteopathic approaches, including cranial osteopathy, to help people of all ages, including babies and children.

Zoë Freedman
We are a practice extremely familiar with treating pregnant women, babies and children. It’s expected that consultations may include a feeding break or a nappy change.
Manual therapies such as chiropractic can be beneficial during pregnancy.
MChiro PGCert MSc (Paeds) DC FRCC (Paediatric Faculty) FRCC (Animal Faculty) MBVCA MIVCA